These days I start at 7am. Walk the dogs; fill the bird feeders; check to see that the curtain at Uncle Nicks is pulled to the side (our code for 'I've been downstairs this morning'); feed the dogs; make my coffee and check emails; put a load of wash in; go back over to Uncle Nicks and make a five course breakfast, wake him up or if he's up and showered - I clean and dress his leg wound; then he eats, I clean up and we talk about the day. This all happens before 10:30am-ish. Some days there are doctors visits and/or errands or nurses visiting or bills to pay and paperwork to follow up on and phone calls to make. You get the picture. And then some days I get to sleep until 8 and other I get to take a shower. But I rarely get to clean my house or turn off my mind.
People have wondered out loud to me if I need to be more organized. Then I list the responsibilities and even wonder myself, 'could I be more orgainzed'. Here's the list -
Uncle Nick's care,
Uncle Nick's medical attention/visits etc.,
Uncle Nicks house,
my house in Georgia and
the house I live in,
the farm (six acres that need caring with six out buildings),
625's 8 rental units and 14 tenants,
bills for the business,
Uncle Nick's and
my personal bills,
two dogs,
a part-time job with management responsibilities,
and maintaining my relationships?!?! (LOL)
AM I COMPLAINING? No not really. I am managing -juggling- some days better than others. And Uncle Nick is grateful and tells me he is and that makes it easier.
This is an on-going discussion about my experience as primary caregiver for my 94 year old great uncle. I am hoping readers will relate to the common dilemma of choosing what's right vs doing what's easy; empathize with the degree of perseverence and the faith required to make daily service possible; and relish in the rewarding moments despite frequent exhausting struggles. BTW - I choose to do be here and I am not always good at it but he deserves my best effort! Read-on...and please comment.
This is Nick...aka Uncle Nick.
94th Birthday... We went easy on the candles!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
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The things I didn't mention up in that list are the everyday and weekly things like cooking, washing, shopping, exercising and resting and opening tons of crazy mail. So, I don't know if the answer to could I be more organized is a black and white yes or no. It may be that you choose what is important and then try and get to the rest with the energy that is left.